Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Lindsey, Gelsey and Kipp are all running the Bolder Boulder (10k / 6.2 miles) this weekend. I wish I could do it with them but I'm babysitting. Maybe next year. Here's proof that I did it in the old days. This is entering Folsum Field at CU.... aah done at last! 1987

Rawhide half marathon in Fort Collins. It was a cool day! 1988

Pilot Hill run. Starts at 7200 feet and goes up to 8600 feet, then back down again. Twenty-five kilometers (15.5 miles) in all. My girls haven't outdone me on this one (yet). 1990


  1. Ha! I don't know if I will ever outdo you on those! I only remember that last running picture, so it was fun to see the other two.

    And by the way, gotta love the 80's/early 90's attire! RAD! :)

    You are doing awesome on this blog thing, by the way! Very fun!

  2. Wow! That is so cool that you found all of those old pictures! I didn't know that you had one of you running the Bolder Boulder. Did mom take that picture? And do they still have the Rawhide Half Marathon (is that the one that is run along the interstate?) in Fort Collins? Maybe I could run that one too! I'm not sure I'm up for the Pilot Hill run... that one looks BRUTAL. I think I'd rather run a flat marathon! :)

    Now you need to post some of your triathlon pictures. I know you have a few of those!

  3. Great pics, Dad! I especially like the second one--I want a "floating" running picture! I remember admiring your running as a kid. Maybe that's part of the reason I'm so into it now!
