Friday, November 25, 2011

Grandkids Are Really Great

We really love our grandkids. I just wanted to share Tyler's latest school picture and his note that was included with my birthday card. This one is definitely a "Keeper". What a generous boy Tyler is... He's a keeper too.

Here's an invest in the grandkids thought... Maybe if we keep giving them "stuff" they'll start sending cash to support us in our old age.


  1. Ha ha! That. Is. Awesome. What a generous little kid! I bet that was one of your best birthday cards for the year (I mean, besides my Obama one, of course!).

  2. And he did it all on his own! I didn't know about it until he showed it to me:) Michael and I were laughing about the two dollars. We're like, where did that come from? Is it some of Megan's birthday money? Ha ha!

  3. I have been thinking about this card ever since you showed it to us a couple of days ago and can't help but smile/laugh when I do. I'm glad you put it on your blog so that I can keep looking at it. Tyler is such a neat kid... can't think of many other 7 year olds who would send some of their own money to their grandparents. Man, he must have really appreciated that "stuff". :)
