Monday, September 26, 2011

Nine-Eleven Anniversary

My family will tell you that whenever we travel I always take them to the top of tallest building around. I suppose that's the structural engineer in me. I like to think that it may have had some influence on Gelsey's choice to become a structural engineer also.

We were atop the tallest structures in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan while living in SE Asia, so it made sense that we did the same in New York City on some of our visits to see Leslie's Dad. With the tenth anniversary of 911, we got thinking about some of those old pictures. I thought I'd post a couple of them here. The girls weren't too impressed back then, but it seems special now to have been on top.

From Liberty Island

Gelsey and Wendy with Lady Liberty in the background.

Lindsey and Gelsey with the Empire State Building in the background.

Gelsey even looks like a structural engineer here.

Nice view. The wind would cause the other tower to visibly move nearer then away from the tower you were on... that was a weird sensation.

I suppose most of you know that a replacement tower is well underway in NYC. The Freedom Tower will rise up to 1776 ft. I think that's a nice and significant number. The old towers were right at about 1300 feet each.

I'm looking forward to getting to the top of this one.


  1. I remember the swaying sensation on top of the Towers. Ugh, not a good feeling. And I actually did NOT know that a replacement tower was underway (I thought that they were just going to do the Memorial)... where have I been? And I look WAY cooler than a structural engiNERD... check out those awesome shades (future's so bright...)!

  2. Dad! You were supposed to destroy those pictures! Or at least crop out my hair;) It was great to skype with you yesterday. Miss you.

  3. These are really neat pictures to see. I've always been fascinated with the WTC towers; it's so interesting to see pictures of my family on them. I stumbled upon your blog today and it's been fun catching up. I like what you did with the house last Fall, too! I recently had a dream about your house -- for some reason I was jumping on a big trampoline in your backyard, lol! --Juliet
